After-School Program Staff Training Workshops

Training for Community Leaders in Restorative Justice & Social-Emotional

Architects of Hope provides engaging and interactive workshops that teach Community Leaders and Teachers how to engage and interact with at-risk and unprivileged students.

Through our workshop, leaders can learn how to involve, include, and introduce their students to new academic practices, social-emotional skills, and healthy habits to enrich their student’s opportunities for success. Our workshops develop and educate professionals, front-line workers, and community leaders on how to be effective and efficient in classroom settings, social-emotional learning, restorative justice, disciplinary engagements, thus resulting in growth and the cultivation of our students.

Architects of Hope, Inc. is committed to the future of our young people and to start preparing them for life. However, we must begin with preparing professionals, community leaders, teachers, and school staff how to work, engage, and be attentive to our amazing and powerful next generation of students and civically engaged leaders.

How We Do It

Teach the in and outs of what the top industry professionals do to accomplish everything they need to get done. From CEOs to top sports players, all of these top earners have a very specific morning routine they follow every morning. Learn the power of early rising, meditation, and working out in the early morning to give you an edge on the day.
Advocacy is the new trauma for black parents. Parents who advocate for their children and other children are seen in a negative light. Often being negatively labeled but never understood for the trauma they are experiencing as a black parent advocating a system that was not created or intended for them.
In this workshop, participants will practice mindful breathing for self-care and conflict resolution tools. Discuss the differences between observational and judgmental language as well as basic to conduct mindfulness sessions in the classroom.

What We Do

A hands-on class bringing 3 things you can do right now to become more aware and be able to act and make a difference. You will leave with three safe tools you can use that will allow you to avoid and assist in a bully situation.
The purpose of this workshop is to help participants become more aware of hidden bias within their organizational structure and the importance of a common leadership language that fosters a diverse, inclusive and equitable work environment. Being armed with the right questions increases your ability to become a thought leader within your organization for those young professionals of color who are looking to advance professionally and grow their leadership capacity.
A breakdown of how to use local resources and leverage equity from different places and people to effectively serve young people. While using the community to collaborate within education and expanded available learning systems.
When kids' behavior becomes challenging, thoughtless, unhealthy, or inappropriate, we have choices to make about how to react. Sometimes we lecture. Sometimes we discipline. Sometimes we engage them in accountability approaches like restorative justice. This workshop will add to your set of effective tools by showing you how.

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